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Economic Benefits


Through Nordlys Vind, a total of 550 million NOK will be invested into Norway during the construction period.

A total of 550 million NOK will be invested in Norway during the construction period of Nordlys Vind.

Permanent direct employment within the Kattfjord community over an operation period of at least 25 years.

Substantial local land leases, property taxes and grid usage fees paid by the wind farm from its operational revenues.


Indirect securing of employment due to long – term low – cost power supply to the aluminum industry in Northern Norway.

A study has been initiated to assess other benefits to society, by analyzing the benefits for the local community linked to Nordlys Wind’s involvement in Kvaløya. The study was completed in April 2018 and will be served on request.



The wind farm operates an internal grid of 33 kV.

Alcoa havn - Nordlys Vind

At Tverråsan, between the two wind farms, the power is exported to the regional 132 kV grid operated by Troms Kraft Nett AS.

Two new substations and one switching station will be installed for the grid connection of the wind farms.

Power lines and substations north and south of Håkoybøtn will be strenghtened to accommodate the full capacity of the wind farms.

The power is sold to the aluminium producer Alcoa Norway AS, in Mosjøen.



The local environmental impact of the wind farm development has been thoroughly analyzed. A number of measures are being implemented to ensure a healthy environment and minimal impact during and after construction.

Norway supplies its electricity needs primarily with clean hydropower, but is part of the Nordic energy market together with its Scandinavian neighbours, who produce a significant share of their needed electricity through nuclear and fossil power generation. By replacing supply from the Nordic conventional energy, the wind farm saves more than 40,000 tons of CO2 emissions and an estimated 44 tons of radioactive waste per year.

The local environmental impact of the wind farm development has been assessed prior to the start of construction and will be monitored throughout the concession period and after decommissioning.


The noise emissions of the wind farm have been assessed by the independent expert Rambøll, as part of the MTA permitting process.

At all residential areas, the legal threshold of 45 dB(A) will be respected within a safety buffer.

The noise characteristics of the turbines are warranted by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energies as supplier and will be constantly monitored during the wind farms’ operation.


The shadow flicker generated by the wind turbines has also been calculated by independent expert Rambøll as part of the MTA process. The shadow flicker shall not exceed 30 minutes on any day or 8 hours over a year at any of the surrounding residential areas.

At Brensholmen, where this situation may occur, the wind turbines will be equipped with a shadow control system, which will shut down the turbines automatically if the allowed levels are exceeded.

Drinking water

Water from the mountains Kvitfjell and Raudfjell is used by the neighboring communities in Sjøtun, Buvika and Brensholmen. Protecting, and where possible improving, drinking water quality is therefore a main objective during the construction of the wind farms.

The following will be undertaken in order to achieve security of the drinking water supply:

  • Mapping and registration of drinking water sources
  • Meetings and discussions with residents, municipality, Mattilsynet and local water works
  • Water sampling and monitoring program
  • MTA plan outlining general principles as part of the NVE approval for the construction works
  • ROS (= Risk and Vulnerability) analysis for each drinking water catchment area by an independent expert
  • Action plan (Tiltaksplaner) for each catchment area is developed describing preventive, temporary and permanent measures
  • Contingency plan (Beredskapsplaner) provides guidelines for the construction works

Reindeer Herding

The project companies respect and support reindeer herding, an important cultural heritage and economic factor within the region. An agreement has been made with the Reinbeitedistrikt, addressing the potential interference of the wind farms’ construction on reindeer herding. Several measures will be taken, in addition the construction management will inform the affected reindeer herders on a regular basis about planned activities.

A scientific study undertaken on the behavior of reindeers during and after the construction of the Fakken wind farm in Troms, indicated no or only a minor impact on reindeers.

Science Direct


Bird studies were carried out in 2005 and in 2016 and identified 75 bird species active in the wind farm area. However, no breeding places for endangered birds were identified nearby.
The wind farm layout was adjusted to maximize the distance to potential breeding areas for eagles, falcons and other protected species, especially north of the planned wind farm.

An ornithologist will monitor the wind farm area during the construction phase, in order to minimize disturbance to bird life.



Turbine components and transformers will be imported to Tromsø by ship from Denmark and other factory locations and stored in a central harbor.

A RoRo ferry will transport these from the harbor to an existing quay in Nordfjordbotn, which will be consolidated and modernised for the wind farms and the local community.

8 km of road transport on trucks on FV 862 until Kattfjord.

Use of an existing road from Kattfjord up to Raudfjell through Sørfjorddalen to reach the wind farms. This road will be upgraded.

Transport period for turbine components: during May to August 2019, there will be 67 days on which one turbine will be transported every day. A turbine transport consists of 3 convoys taking 30 minutes each. The maximum driving speed is limited to 20 km/h. All heavy road transport will be accompanied by police. In addition, upfront information regarding transport activity will be provided via facebook, email and SMS to the local community impacted.



The turbines of type SGRE-DD-130 have a rated capacity of 4.3 MW each, a rotor diameter of 130 meters and a hub height of 85 meters.

Proven technology with 1400 installations worldwide since the first version of the platform in 2009.

Designed to withstand harsh wind and weather conditions, with operational experience in Norway as far north as Raggovidda, Berlevåg Kommune, Finmark.

Equipped with heating system for de-icing in winter.

Improved blade aerodynamics for low noise emissions.

Designed without gearbox to reduce maintenance needs and quantity of oil employed in the turbine.

Synchronous generator and full converter to fulfill the highest grid requirements.

24 hours / 7 days a week remote control and supervision of each turbine.

Further information on turbine technology can be found here

  1. Canopy
  2. Generator
  3. Rotor blade
  4. Hub
  5. Blade bearing cover
  6. Control panel
  7. Yaw gear
  8. Hydraulic power unit
  9. Board crane
  10. Cooling inlet
  11. Wind measurement.



Initial road works started in October 2017. The entire wind farm will be completed in autumn of 2019.

In 2018, infrastructure works to be carried out span:

  • Construction of site roads, crane and storage areas
  • Construction of turbine foundations
  • Construction of substations and service building
  • Works on access routes
  • Cabling and grid connection

In 2019, the following works are planned:

  • Until summer 2019: Finalization of infrastructure works
  • May – August 2019: Transport of turbine components
  • May – December 2019: Turbine installation and commissioning

Beginning of 2020, final construction activities and the completion of the wind farm are planned. After completion of the construction works, the wind farm will be supervised and serviced by employees located in a permanent office in the Kattfjord



Nordlys Vind consists of two wind power concessions, Kvitfjell and Raudfjell.

The concession for the construction of the Kvitfjell wind farm was granted on February 16th, 2001 by the Norwegian Water Resource and Energy Directorate (NVE) and amended on April 17th, 2015. The concession for the Raudfjell wind farm was granted on May 11th, 2012. In total, 300 MW of wind power are permitted in the concessions, of which 281.4 MW will be utilized.

In July 2017, the wind farms applied for a change of the permitted access route. Previously it was planned to land the wind turbines in Buvika, south of the wind farm area, and to build a new quay and 700m tunnel to get access to the site. The new concept uses an existing quay in Nordfjordbotn and an existing access route from Sjotun. This route has a smaller environmental impact compared to the construction of new infrastructure in an untouched environment. This change was permitted by the NVE on October 20th, 2017.

The detailed plans for the construction and operation of the wind farms are specified in an MTA plan (Environment – Transport and Area plan), approved by NVE. 

The project received the approval to a first limited MTA in 2016, and for the whole concession area in April 2018. As for the access route MTA, it was approved in June 2018. 

The project also holds permits and approvals from the Fylkesmann (county administration) and Tromsø Havn (harbour authorities) for the construction of the quay in Nordfjordbotn.

All permit and MTA documents are published by the NVE:



Owners and companies that build Nordlys Vind are leading actors in their industries.

The companies and investors that build Nordlys Vind are leading actors in their industries.

The companies owning the wind farms, Tromsø Vind AS and Raudfjell Vind AS, are located in Oslo and managed by Peter Aall Simonsen (Simonsen Vogt Wiig, the legal advisor of Nordlys Vind) and Dr. Mathias Bimberg (Prime Capital AG, the asset manager of Nordlys Vind).

The main investor in the project is Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe (AeVWL). AeVWL is a public occupational pension scheme for German physicians, providing retirement benefits for more than 56,000 members. Sustainability, development, health and safety are main factors AeVWL considers when making long term investments.

Siemens as the main technology provider and a minority shareholder has been contributing to the Norwegian power supply and telecommunication sector since 1892. Responsibility, excellence and innovation have been the basis for Siemens’ success for over 160 years.


  • Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energies AS: Overall construction management, delivery and installation of the wind turbines and long – term service and maintenance
  • Siemens AS (Siemens Energy Management): Delivery, installation and servicing of the main transformers, substation equipment and communication system
  • Siemens Bank GmbH: Minority shareholder

Risa AS is among the construction industry’s leading companies on ethical sustainability. Since its early start in 1948, Risa has been known for a strong corporate culture. Nærbø – based RISA AS is responsible for the civil works within the wind farm, which will dominate the activities on site in 2018. These works include:

  • Construction of roads and crane areas
  • Construction of turbine foundations
  • Construction of substations and service buildings
  • Cabling works between the turbines and substations
  • Troms Kraft Nett is regional grid operator in the Tromsø area and provides the access to the public grid for the wind farm.

Participants - Nordlys Vind



At Nordlys Vind we place safety above everything else we do.

Safety of the local community, as well as those working to build the wind farm. We will minimize the uncertainty to the lowest level possible, while fully respecting our surroundings. Safety for our neighbours and for ourselves is paramount to our activity.



Nordlys Vind consists of two adjacent wind farms currently under construction, named Kvitfjell and Raudfjell.

The wind farms are situated on the island of Kvaløya, Norway. Two of its mountain plateaus lend their names to the wind farms.

An existing 132 kV line of Troms Kraft Nett, will connect the wind farm at its southern end to the public grid infrastructure. Two substations transforming the power from 33 kV to 132 kV will be part of the project. The civil infrastructure to be built includes
45 km of gravel roads, a service building and the foundations of the turbines.

Works on internal wind farm roads started in October 2017. Further civil and electrical infrastructure will be built in 2018. The wind turbines will be progressively built and commissioned from April to September 2019.

Here you can see how wind turbines were transported through the pedestrian streets of the Norwegian town Eigersund when the Tellenes wind farm was built.

See part 8, Vindmøller gjennom gågate (norwegian). (norwegian).