The local environmental impact of the wind farm development has been thoroughly analyzed. A number of measures are being implemented to ensure a healthy environment and minimal impact during and after construction.

Norway supplies its electricity needs primarily with clean hydropower, but is part of the Nordic energy market together with its Scandinavian neighbours, who produce a significant share of their needed electricity through nuclear and fossil power generation. By replacing supply from the Nordic conventional energy, the wind farm saves more than 40,000 tons of CO2 emissions and an estimated 44 tons of radioactive waste per year.
The local environmental impact of the wind farm development has been assessed prior to the start of construction and will be monitored throughout the concession period and after decommissioning.
The noise emissions of the wind farm have been assessed by the independent expert Rambøll, as part of the MTA permitting process.
At all residential areas, the legal threshold of 45 dB(A) will be respected within a safety buffer.
The noise characteristics of the turbines are warranted by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energies as supplier and will be constantly monitored during the wind farms’ operation.
The shadow flicker generated by the wind turbines has also been calculated by independent expert Rambøll as part of the MTA process. The shadow flicker shall not exceed 30 minutes on any day or 8 hours over a year at any of the surrounding residential areas.
At Brensholmen, where this situation may occur, the wind turbines will be equipped with a shadow control system, which will shut down the turbines automatically if the allowed levels are exceeded.
Drinking water
Water from the mountains Kvitfjell and Raudfjell is used by the neighboring communities in Sjøtun, Buvika and Brensholmen. Protecting, and where possible improving, drinking water quality is therefore a main objective during the construction of the wind farms.
The following will be undertaken in order to achieve security of the drinking water supply:
- Mapping and registration of drinking water sources
- Meetings and discussions with residents, municipality, Mattilsynet and local water works
- Water sampling and monitoring program
- MTA plan outlining general principles as part of the NVE approval for the construction works
- ROS (= Risk and Vulnerability) analysis for each drinking water catchment area by an independent expert
- Action plan (Tiltaksplaner) for each catchment area is developed describing preventive, temporary and permanent measures
- Contingency plan (Beredskapsplaner) provides guidelines for the construction works
Reindeer Herding
The project companies respect and support reindeer herding, an important cultural heritage and economic factor within the region. An agreement has been made with the Reinbeitedistrikt, addressing the potential interference of the wind farms’ construction on reindeer herding. Several measures will be taken, in addition the construction management will inform the affected reindeer herders on a regular basis about planned activities.
A scientific study undertaken on the behavior of reindeers during and after the construction of the Fakken wind farm in Troms, indicated no or only a minor impact on reindeers.
Bird studies were carried out in 2005 and in 2016 and identified 75 bird species active in the wind farm area. However, no breeding places for endangered birds were identified nearby.
The wind farm layout was adjusted to maximize the distance to potential breeding areas for eagles, falcons and other protected species, especially north of the planned wind farm.
An ornithologist will monitor the wind farm area during the construction phase, in order to minimize disturbance to bird life.