Turbine components and transformers will be imported to Tromsø by ship from Denmark and other factory locations and stored in a central harbor.
A RoRo ferry will transport these from the harbor to an existing quay in Nordfjordbotn, which will be consolidated and modernised for the wind farms and the local community.
8 km of road transport on trucks on FV 862 until Kattfjord.
Use of an existing road from Kattfjord up to Raudfjell through Sørfjorddalen to reach the wind farms. This road will be upgraded.
Transport period for turbine components: during May to August 2019, there will be 67 days on which one turbine will be transported every day. A turbine transport consists of 3 convoys taking 30 minutes each. The maximum driving speed is limited to 20 km/h. All heavy road transport will be accompanied by police. In addition, upfront information regarding transport activity will be provided via facebook, email and SMS to the local community impacted.